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Two Years!?

How can it possibly be two years since I opened? It feels like yesterday that I had the idea to start this, then threw myself wholeheartedly into it. Honestly, it started as a throwaway comment from my husband: "Why don't you open the fabric shop you wanted". That was it, that started the ball rolling. As a middle aged woman, with growing children (my youngest is now 15) and a retired husband, I needed something to do.

Within two months I had found a unit and started a shop, I didn't have a huge amount of fabric:

Really, just the basics, a few 100% cottons, polycottons and some haberdashery.

Now, what I started with would fill a small corner. The shop is full of amazing fabrics! Honestly, I want to make something out of everything. My haberdashery has quadrupled and I finally have a proper wool supplier (Emu wools). I have pattern catalogues that you can order from and I'm going to start getting some knitting patterns.

Honestly, it feels like a dream. I've worked in retail, pretty much, since I left school, it suits my personality. I'm chatty and outgoing, that's why so many of my customers have become friends.

This website, if I'm being truthful, doesn't truly reflect the shop. I can't keep up with pictures on the site and the turnover in the shop. If you want information on fabric you're better off contacting me directly and I can send you pictures. I'm happy to post out, or deliver if you are local. The best way to find out about my new fabrics is to follow me on Facebook or Instagram, I do a live, on Facebook, whenever I have new stock.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending my 2nd anniversary with you all, on the 8th. Here's to the next one!

Jo x

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